You probably know how important email marketing is to small businesses selling products online, but it's a big marketing beast and when you're the only person within your business, it can be hard to manage.

However, getting email marketing right (and taming the beast) can make a huge difference to your sales as it's usually the top performing marketing channel you can use.

I work with small business owners who use Shopify and Klaviyo to sell products online and when checking in on their email accounts, there's a few things that come up time and time again.

That's why I've put together a simple checklist of Klaviyo housekeeping tasks to get you on the right path to email success. Let's dive in and make sure your email strategy is in tip-top shape...

Task #1: Try to use only one list for subscribers 📋

Managing multiple lists can be a real headache, especially when it comes to keeping track of customer preferences and segmenting your audience effectively. So, my advice? Simplify things by using just one list for all your subscribers. This will streamline your email marketing efforts and make it easier to create personalised campaigns that resonate with your entire audience. And stops you from wondering every time you send an email if you've actually included the right people.

Task #2: Switch double opt-in off now 🚫

Ever wondered why you're pop up is converting but you're not seeing the list growth you'd expect? My guess is you've got double opt-in switched on. And despite Klaviyo recommending this option, it's time to switch it off. While double opt-in can be great for ensuring the quality of your subscriber list, it can also introduce unnecessary friction for potential customers. If you're confident in the legitimacy of your sign ups, consider switching off double opt-in. By doing so, you'll remove an extra step in the subscription process and increase the chances of converting visitors into loyal subscribers.

Task #3: Focus on sending more emails instead of over-segmenting 📩

Segmentation is undoubtedly important for delivering targeted content, but if your subscriber list is still small (less than 1000), I wouldn't spend time freting too much about creating complex segments just yet. Instead, focus on sending more emails to engage with your audience regularly. Building a connection through consistent communication can lay the foundation for future segmentation strategies as your list grows and you want to increase email frequency further.

Task #4: Keep your segments super simple for larger lists 📊

On the other hand, if your subscriber list has grown substantially, it's time to embrace segmentation. But before you go crazy, don't make yourself overwhelmed by creating countless segments. Instead, keep it super simple. Identify a few key segments that align with your business goals and tailor your campaigns accordingly. Remember, simplicity is key when it comes to effective segmentation as well as actually using them. 

Task #5: Gather as many emails as possible with multiple sign up forms 📥

Building a robust email list is essential for driving growth in your business. One way to achieve this is by strategically placing multiple sign up forms across your website and marketing channels. Whether it's a pop-up on your homepage, an embedded form in your blog posts, or a sign up option during the checkout process, make sure you're maximising every opportunity to capture those valuable email addresses. Ensure each of these different forms are slightly adapted to where the customer is at in their purchasing journey, so that you're messaging is super targeted.

Task #6: Optimise your pop up conversion rate 💯

Speaking of pop ups, let's take a closer look at their performance. Your pop up is probably the primary source of new subscribers, so it's crucial to ensure it's converting at a healthy rate of around 3-5%. Anything over that and you're doing amazingly already. If it's falling short of this benchmark, it's time to optimise! Experiment with different designs, copywriting techniques, and incentives to entice visitors to join your mailing list. A little tweaking can go a long way. If you need a little help with this task, you can download my Perfect Pop up Checklist for free here.

Task #7: Fix your fundamental flows first 🏁

Before diving into complex automation workflows, start by focusing on getting the fundamentals right. Start by perfecting four essential flows: the welcome series, abandoned cart recovery, browse abandonment and your post-purchase follow-ups. These automated sequences are the backbone of any successful email marketing strategy and can significantly impact customer engagement and conversions. It was reported in Klaviyo's 2024 Benchmarking report that there's still 10-20% of shop stores that haven't set up automations for their ecommerce business yet, I can't stress how important these are for you and to take the pressure off needing to create and send lots of campaign emails. If you need help getting started, check out my free guide 4 automated emails your online shop needs

Task #8: Put yourself through your flows and fine-tune them 🔍

It's time to put on your customer hat and experience your email flows first hand. Take yourself through each automated sequence, step by step, and assess how the emails look, sound and feel. Are they visually appealing? Do they provide value? Are the timings well-spaced? And most importantly, do all the links work correctly? You can then make changes to your flows based on your observations, which will ensure a seamless and delightful experience for your subscribers. You'd be surprised by how much you'll notice when doing this regularly and what needs updating seasonally or because you no longer sell it!

Task #9: Learn from your past campaigns 📅

Now it's time to take a moment to reflect on your past campaign sends and identify the winners - the ones that generated high open rates, click-throughs, or conversions. These successful campaigns hold valuable insights into what resonates with your audience. Plan to repeat similar strategies in the following months or years while adding a touch of freshness and innovation to keep things exciting. It really is a case of rinse and repeat with email marketing, and although you may feel like you're going to bore your audience, you really need to be repetitive when it comes to selling products online.

Task #10: Start a series and commit to regular email sending ✉️

If you're struggling for content ideas, consider starting a series related to your business niche. It could be weekly tips, monthly industry updates, or bi-weekly product spotlights, basically anything that adds value to your subscribers lives and sits outside of the typical sales, promotions and new in email that you're hopefully already doing. By committing to sending out regular emails (with different purposes) throughout the year, you'll be gaining consistent engagement and building trust with your audience. Meaning, when they are ready to buy, they'll think of you first.

So there you have it, my simple checklist of Klaviyo housekeeping tasks to get you on track for email success. By following these steps, you'll be well-equipped to connect with more customers, nurture relationships, and grow your sales through effective email marketing. Remember, success lies in taking action and continuously improving. Good luck ✨

If you still need help or guidance in improving your email marketing strategy for your online shop, I'd love to help. You can view my ecommerce training packages here.

May 09, 2024 — Elle Williamson

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Hi, I’m Elle. I specialise in all things ecommerce for small businesses selling and growing online. I created The Ecommerce Assistant to help busy brand owners make more sales on their online shop by teaching them how to use Shopify + Klaviyo.